BeginnerS Tutorial AndROID Usage

image] Welcome to the world of Google Android. You made a smart move opting for an Android phone, so grabthat device and read “The Beginner’s Guide to Android.” This is designed to be a resource for mastering the most useful and exciting apps, tips, and tricks that Google Android has to offer. So, where should we start? A mobile operating system is only as good as the apps that power it, so I’m sure that’s where you want to begin. Fair enough, but there’s something you should know before going app crazy. There are Key Policies of the Android Market to understand, chief among them the 24-hour refund rule. Readthe market policies and then indulge in the fun part: downloading apps! Apps and Android Market Mania The Market has thousands of apps and it will be hard to navigate through them. A good place to start is reading 60 Incredible Apps , our selection of a few standouts that Android users should enjoy. Once you’ve got your fill of great apps,share the wealth! Participate in our#androidapps effort on Twitter and let others know what apps you enjoy. Each week, we will highlight the best apps that users recommendin our “Android Apps Alert” post.

1 comment:

  1. Сильно варьируются в зависимости от того что именно вам надо сделать. В принципе можете ориентировочно прикинуть глядя на вот этот каталог работ ссылка , они конечно не конечно не 100% гарантия, но хоть примерное представление будете иметь


ff on Twitter: @TheNaijaInfo

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