So I sat down already stained in blood, picked up ma pistol,1,2,34,5,6,7.8. Guess I'm ready the night was going to be bloody. I've never been a trouble maker I was always on my own. No one wanted it to come to this, but I guess it just had to happen. How could he,the man I called my friend after all we had gone through together,people even thought we were family. If he could do this he may hv done so many other things I wasn't aware of . I I hv to fulfill my wives last wishes, there's nothing else to live for. You're still puzzled,yea you are .Its my story,Ben my best friend since I was seven has just betrayed me. I considered him my brother, we attended the same university and graduated together,got married on ...................... Shit, this is too much to bear. Forget it, I'm goin straight to the point. I came back home this. evening from work as usual hoping to see my beautiful wife, we've just been married for three years. I checked the kitchen nd she wasn't there,strange. Climbed up the stairs to my bedroom and I saw trails of blood,something's wrong. Opened my bedroom door and I still saw more blood,then. I saw footprints stained bood leading to my bathroom door and I opened the door. My wife on the ground in a pool of blood,her eyes dim squealin help me, 'Honey forgive me ,Ben raped me I,I,tried to scream ,he stabbed me nd devoured me even more, please punish him '. Funny huh, no it isn't, cos those were my wife's last words . I pulled her close to me stained by her blood lost in thoughts. Back to the beginning, with ma pistol already loaded I'm heading out for revenge,Ben Must Die. ..................To be continued Ben Must Die- Fictional story by A.Xhibuike To get the full story send a request to So far so good did u enjoy the story? Pls leave a comment. What's your opinion about this book


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