Oh Lord Save Nigerian Women From Rape

I am tired of listening to the news, tired of reading the daily papers and tired of staying updated with events in Nigeria. What is wrong with this country,have we lost our conscience and sense of reasoning,what legacy are we leaving for the generations to come,how long shall we live like this?  These are the questions I ask my self everyday,as the days pass by we hardly have anything good to say about our country.

 It is quite appalling that in recent times, the number of rape cases in the country have been rising significantly that it becomes a thorn to our flesh. Women live every day in Nigeria with the fear that one day they may be raped,and this alone may even make them raise suspicion on every single man that passes by .Many parents have resorted to becoming more strict on their children , limiting their freedom because they want their children to be safe. No one trusts the government, I inclusive.
  Not every victim of such cases are able to live with the stigma,some in few cases have ended their life,some have lost their zeal to continue ,some have dropped out of school because they carry the babies of the individuals who raped them. In all cases you can therefore see that their futures have become "blank".
 Unemployed youths, wasting their time some sticking to the scripts some others lose focus and get involved in criminal activities, children are born in the streets with high tendecies of mixing with the wrong crowd.
I feel sad because I can not do anything about it , and those who can don't deem it important. What can the ordinary Nigerian do than work at his own level, take precautions and pray to God that no harm would come upon him.

   I am not a fool I will not waste my time telling those "Incharge Of this Nation" what to do, because millions of people before me have given suggestions and it has always been sent to the winds. They know what to do already and my prayer is that they do it but till then
                  "  Women of Nigeria I pray for your protection and that God will guide you through all your activities, and all challenges you face and to victims I pray that you have the bravery and confidence to continue. May The Good Lord Bless You All"

Our women are important to this country, it would not be to much to ask that we should value their presence and give them the assurance that their safe in their own country.
  Forgive me for being raw, but I write this article with pain in my heart and anger in my soul.
To the Leaders of this nation, remember "To Whom Much Is Given Much Is Expected"


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