BREAKING NEWS: ICC case against Kenyatta dropped

Prosecutor says charges against Kenyan president for crimes
against humanity cannot be sustained .
The International Criminal Court ( ICC ) has withdrawn
charges of crimes against humanity against Kenyan President
Uhuru Kenyatta.
ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on Friday she
cannot sustain the charges.
"The Prosecution withdraws the charges against Mr
Kenyatta, " Bensouda said in a document filed at the
Hague-based court .
"The evidence has not improved to such an extent that Mr
Kenyatta' s alleged criminal responsibility can be proven
beyond reasonable doubt , " she added .
Kenyatta faced crimes against humanity charges at The
Hague-based court for allegations that he helped instigate
violence that followed Kenya' s December 2007 presidential
election, when more than 1 , 000 people were killed .
The decision comes after his lawyer on Wednesday called
for the judges to drop the charges and acquit his client while
Kenyatta himself said prosecutors had " nothing" on him .


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