Palestinian woman shot after knife attack

Bet Fajjar resident transferred to hospital after being shot
for stabbing Israeli civilian in southern West bank.
The Israeli army has shot and wounded a Palestinian
woman after she stabbed an Israeli civilian near a Jewish
settlement bloc in the southern part of the occupied West
Bank , police said .
Witnesses told Al Jazeera that 23- year -old Amal Jihad
Taqatqa from Bethlehem arrived at the Gush Etzion
settlement bloc on Monday and stabbed the civilian with a
knife , injuring him lightly.
"According to the police, the woman approached an Israeli
soldier with the intention of stabbing him but was unable to
do so . So she then used her knife to harm a passerby , an
Israeli civilian , who was apparently only lightly injured, " Al
Jazeera ' s Nisreen El -Shamayleh reported from Ramallah.
The Palestine Red Crescent told Al Jazeera that they saw
the Palestinian woman after she was shot at the junction and
that she was still alive at the time . However , Israeli
authorities did not allow the Palestinian medical team to
approach her.
Police released a statement saying that the Israeli civilian
suffered minor injuries in the stabbing at the settlement bloc
south of Bethlehem , and that the Palestinian woman was
transferred to a hospital for further medical treatment .
Local sources told Al Jazeera that Taqatqa' s house in Bet
Fajjar, south of Bethlehem , has been raided by Israeli
forces and that they have also arrested her father.
The Gush Etzion junction is a business , commercial and
tourism centre in the southern West Bank , which serves as
the entry point to the Gush Etzion bloc of settlements .


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